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Cluny Vidya Nikethan (CBSE) Senior Secondary School

Seminars and workshops:

In today’s fast paced – world, continuous learning is essential for greater growth and success. Seminars and workshops serve as valuable educational tools that support the holistic development of students, enhance the professional growth of teachers and also fosters strong collaboration between the management and the parents. In light of this rationale,we offer a diverse array of seminars and workshops for students, teachers and parents, centered around the themes such as career counseling, guidance for competitive exams, professional development, self – empowerment, nurturing healthy parent – child bonds and understanding the roles and obligations of effective parenting. In nutshell these seminars and workshops help students to enhance their learning process, develop their skills and explore diverse interests and career paths. It helps teachers to enhance their teaching skills, strategies and methodologies and helps them to adopt innovative teaching techniques. Through these valuable seminars parents enhance their parenting skill, understand child development and support their children’s growth and learning journey.

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