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Cluny Vidya Nikethan (CBSE) Senior Secondary School

Instructions to Parents


                Parents play an important role in their child’s education. We have many activities throughout the year, where we encourage parent attendance and participation. These activities include Parents Staff contact Session, Annual Day, Talent show, Exhibition, Sports Matches, Seminars, Sports day. etc.

  • A smooth and cordial parents – staff relationship is an essential pre-requisite for the student’s progress. The parents can meet the class teacher and subject teacher to know about their child’s academic performance during the time mentioned below ONLY.

                On all Mondays and Wednesdays

                LKG – UKG – 3:20 PM

                Grade 1 – 10 – 4:10 PM

  • Parents will not be permitted to meet the class teacher / subject teachers during the school working hours i.e. 8:45 am to 4:00 pm. (inclusive of Lunch Break) as they will be preoccupied with their class preparation and correction work.
  • Due to various security reasons, parents/guardians are requested to leave the school campus as soon as they drop / pickup their children. The management does not encourage or entertain parents / guardians in the school campus longer than necessary.


  • Parents should see that their children do not absent themselves from school, except under unavoidable circumstances.
  • Avoid being absent on the re-opening and closing day of each term.
  • No student is allowed to leave the school, during school hours, except in case of an emergency, duly accompanied by the parents.
  • In case of absence from school, a written application for leave must be made and sanction obtained prior to it. In case of sickness or other emergencies a leave letter must be sent to school on the first day of absence.
  • Leave on medical grounds for more than 3 days should be supported with a medical certificate.
  • Continuous absence for 10 days without any intimation or leave letter will cause removal of the pupil’s name in the school register. In such cases they can be re-admitted only after the payment of admission fee and other miscellaneous fees. Re­ admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
  • Children who produce 100% attendance will be awarded with a Certificate and Prize.


  • Prior permission should be sought from the Principal for leave / absence for more than 3 days.
  • Students availing of leave due to unavoidable circumstances should produce leave letter on the day the student attends the school after having availed leave.
  • Leave application / letter of absence should be submitted in the prescribed way.
  • Medical leave on the reasons of sickness, fatigue, ill health, hurt to the extent of inability to move, are only permissible.
  • Availing of leave for the following has to be avoided by the students and their parents.

                –              Family marriages (except of their close relatives)

                –              Accompanying parents on tour

                –              Preparing for school examinations and other competitive examinations.

                –              Attending to parent’s occupation / business.

                –              Entertaining relatives / visitors at home.


Permission to leave early from school should be sanctioned only by the PRINCIPAL. This permission can be granted only under the following conditions:

  • A written requisition letter from parents. (Oral requests will not be accepted.)
  • When found sick /fatigued / hurt
  • After obtaining permission from the Principal, gate pass should be taken from the school office, without which the student will not be allowed from the class by the teacher in the class.


  • Please avoid coming late to school unless the reason is valid. In that case the parent should accompany the student to the school and take permission from the Principal, before sending the student to the class.
  • If the student does not have a valid reason for coming late to school, half a day leave will be marked in the attendance for every three days of late coming.


  • An individual Identity Card with student’s photo affixed and laminated on both sides will be issued to each student at the start of the academic year. This should be worn daily.
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